focus on breath
10 NOV 2024
Prāṇāyāma प्राणायाम
9.45 - 12.30
How do you relate to your breath?
Join me on this Sunday morning immersion to be with our breathing.
First of all we let the breath be,
develop sensitivity.
Then we continue undoing.
Letting ourselves be "breathed"".
Cultivating breathing awareness through a gentle guidance and postures, can help us feel the movement of breath in our body, witness its relationship with the movements of the mind, the citta-vṛtti.
In the exploration of breath freedom and meditation , a feeling of safety is important as breath relates , impacts our state of mind and emotions and viceversa.
PRāṇāYāMa is not so much breath control as it is an awareness of our vitality.
It is a yogic technique of meditation in itself, and like in all arts, I believe, it is important to know the technique and to let it go.
( FR ) PRāṇāYāMa : à propos du souffle
Une pratique de asana douce pour nous sensibiliser à la respiration .
Ouvrir, détendre, reposer, recharger et méditer.
* 8 limbs according to Patañjali yoga sūtra
Fee - Tarif : 40€
Early bird - regular student: 30€ (until October 1st)
info & registration :
payments to:
Giorgia Bruzzese del Pozzo
IBAN : BE 67 0019 4940 8087
focus on relaxation
1 DEC 2024
Let us recharge through movement & stillness.
All levels of practice are welcome as this is a moment to slow down .
Take time to cultivate rest in order to be able to shift from active intellect into a poetic and a contemplative state .
A quiet restorative exploration of yoga where different practices are proposed, from attention to breathing, to bodyscans or visualizations.
Relaxation profonde et meditation :
Matinée de pratique de yoga conçue pour atteindre un état de détente.
Alternant mouvement et immobilité physique, silences , body scan ou méditations guidées .
Pour se relaxer , méditer, se recharger mentalement.
Une approche personnelle au yoga restauratif accessible à tous.
Early bird - regular student: 30€ (until October 1st)
Fee - Tarif : 40€
info & registration:
payments to :
Giorgia Bruzzese del Pozzo
IBAN : BE 67 0019 4940 8087
focus on asana
Vinyāsa विन्यास
9.45 - 12.00
date to be announced
We explore asana sequencing & breathing, touching subtle aspects of the practice. We move the body & focus inwards, to flow freely & rest deeper, from easy to intermediate postures.
Pratique avec enchainement des postures de yoga et exploration du souffle dans une recherche d'attention méditative .
(FR) Vinyasa
Cultiver les aspects subtils de l'être pour une vitalité physique, mentale et énergétique. Une pratique complète de yoga asana avec un rhythme soutenu avec variations et adaptations possibles pour toutes les postures.
Pour cet atelier , le niveau de pratique est non-débutant